Clash of Titans

💠REALI-FAMIGLI 4 attivi in WAR/CWL!! 💠Sorvegliante presente in cwl~ 💠Donate/ricevute rapporto 1:1 💠Gruppo Whatsapp @capi

War freq.:
L Name D R T
227 Ospite E 158 769 5056
217 ErikGiocondo 0 0 5034
256 Ivanov 95 734 4949
208 Kartah_ E 197 141 4938
250 god of war E 1397 1232 4902
262 Luis 1894 1467 4895
219 ~Fefè~ E 141 0 4866
244 franklyn 76 0 4857
228 snakein E 320 83 4856
233 ■~●MARTIN●~■ E 0 0 4850
249 giovanni 584 961 4834
189 Pagu1804 0 163 4776
166 luffy 105 0 4707
229 Fräz✨ E 314 0 4692
207 TVTxCeschi 304 0 4660
193 distructor26 E 0 0 4560
272 CoT Riccardo14 C 3560 115 4519
229 McGabriITA E 708 106 4405
223 matti 656 732 4395
164 foia 4 E 0 0 4391
252 Iljada 54 0 4381
214 CPTALCATRAZ96IT 40 83 4366
227 GUIDER.DE 87 402 4308
242 mega E 190 0 4307
214 dark fire E 239 377 4277
204 #TIREX1000 E 81 106 4238
253 Chief Feb 48 170 4194
241 ArGoN E 304 176 4174
238 Clash of Simone C 102 0 4087
203 Ploof E 57 0 4069
235 Antares 188 196 3983
192 Giorgio10 59 653 3922
215 Draghetto E 0 0 3847
248 Goats' Lord L 587 105 3734
198 ■~MART|N~■ E 0 0 3694
183 Fenick$z E 552 444 3607
201 not-ricoz E 0 0 3546
222 S*A*M*U*E*L C 48 439 3542
216 Mattia E 82 0 3519
165 Lord MaX E 0 0 3353
232 domy 0 0 3333
252 domenico E 165 0 3122
236 Clash of Maot C 175 166 3069
206 paolo E 62 126 2995
171 not-fraalbe E 0 0 2943
223 ZAZA 10 ⚽️ E 330 415 2931
218 Toretto 0 0 2845
Event Time

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