Ride or Die

we focus alot on the clan wars and league wars. that being said we value members that enjoy clashing with our neighboring clans as often as possible. we do ask that if you are involved in the wars please do both attacks co leaders are family only

War freq.:
L Name D R T
178 afaq scorcher E 0 157 4988
260 jackbane C 1123 270 4875
208 Zeke C 234 0 4872
174 Mualim A.I. 0 0 4799
238 omega E 516 812 4728
179 GET SCHWIFTY 121 507 4697
171 MichaelMyers 160 320 4693
212 KING'X AHMED 396 0 4602
227 papathegreat L 218 0 4444
239 Hakari 0 0 4281
218 Alprince E 30 621 4066
184 -eLmO_+JiLL- 92 0 3899
209 RoMciS E 0 0 3712
164 ItsMeDanB 135 289 3670
213 The Manager E 0 0 3593
183 Ninja"panda 177 332 3513
194 stinky pete C 73 0 3419
204 Der kiler 0 0 3410
155 snow C 132 0 3390
147 daimonds 1 314 3379
166 justafunguy 442 0 3368
191 HASSAN 0 232 3310
189 Mahi 0 0 3283
176 ZOONA 182 377 3022
183 Harper V E 46 159 2982
175 Neo 0 0 2947
151 Scottybricks 149 0 2940
170 atomick 0 0 2936
206 sarath 0 0 2918
216 Jackson C 45 0 2717
146 TJ2WL 0 0 2530
153 deoxys 51 0 2433
98 Daksh GUMBER 0 0 2208
93 TA-PRASHANT 0 0 1821
138 hassan 0 0 1695
Event Time

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