Welcome to La Familia! We love to have fun, clash hard, and above all, take care of each other! CWL and Clan Games are vital so if you are in make sure to participate. We respect each other so contribute what you can, play fair, and have fun!❄️☃️😎😉

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
255 ICYMASTERNUKA L 7348 0 5233
257 The Great Taeho C 3683 5602 5208
249 FORTUNESOLDIERZ C 948 2258 5149
234 WaKiZa E 2651 3248 5109
219 ELPMID 2978 1677 5040
213 Madara Uchiha E 1129 1107 5036
247 Gam Pa C 2418 5000 4979
227 tummis C 90 0 4974
248 nailbomb C 1990 1943 4943
230 sasha boy E 307 0 4791
241 Cloud C 601 0 4391
230 no name E 58 2112 4371
252 BUG C 2194 809 4309
186 DreamsForMemes E 0 0 4279
223 rafael_g12 C 0 0 4225
214 RM Castillo #11 E 56 2325 4017
220 Tr@inWreck C 189 498 3792
209 Abishek 0 106 3791
202 fantom E 0 0 3498
209 BEN B. E 52 332 3433
197 nelly C 0 0 3231
166 jdog64 E 0 0 3221
206 SPM5x5 E 135 192 3075
153 Cat_Eater187 0 0 2742
140 ☠️OREO☠️ 0 0 2681
219 Ely Alias E 45 0 2653
253 BeastRob36 C 0 0 2589
183 junior 0 0 2580
190 Rickz C 0 0 2511
146 ok 0 0 2472
150 bonakid 0 0 2362
134 Zayne 0 0 2352
146 Zach 0 0 2227
180 YoungDaggerD E 0 0 2070
133 Synxz. 0 0 2051
112 Vegeta 0 201 1887
141 BabyWreckZ E 116 0 1873
113 DavgerYoungD 0 0 1803
115 OGBob E 0 0 1795
104 Shhhhhane!skkrt 0 0 1795
138 moin war hero 0 0 1761
205 Mango E 0 0 1516
60 IcyNuka C 449 26 870
Event Time

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