EXRE Lineage2

Golden Rule: 1) No hitting below the belt. 2) Only the referee can stop the fight 3) If symtoms persist consult your ex 4) looking for gf/bf? nasa Lazada yan.

War freq.:
L Name D R T
226 prince ange 1 L 0 0 4843
204 BiG DiApEr C 0 0 4688
226 prince ange 11 C 0 0 4592
233 prince ange' C 0 0 4477
229 prince ange jr. C 0 0 4443
195 m3rylle C 0 0 4095
202 zach04 C 0 0 4086
221 NastimAk C 81 0 3795
215 MuninG E 0 80 3554
168 ZephanaiahRuth C 0 0 2748
147 aBeL E 0 0 2297
166 iamJH@n€¥TH™ C 0 0 2276
185 TEEJAYcob C 0 0 2154
96 kuyatoh E 0 0 2143
161 choooky C 0 0 2073
196 iamBUNNY™ 0 0 2072
126 bell karnel E 0 0 1735
131 Kakkoii C 0 0 1652
120 silvercrow C 0 0 1637
77 Ara_dV E 0 0 1529
130 iamY@ŃN!™️ C 0 0 1491
81 jm E 0 0 1440
122 mr.j C 0 0 1433
104 Sanedara E 0 0 1409
123 markjane@1228.c 0 0 1355
95 jayjay E 0 1 1313
73 Lipton E 0 0 1216
97 iamJKATTALEYA 0 0 1215
116 #HenryYoriCar.. C 0 0 1168
108 johnklimax 0 0 1086
75 [Y] (@) [J] 0 0 932
76 snOOpy 0 0 807
52 venot 0 0 797
38 lusita E 0 0 782
49 Cinnamon 0 0 765
31 KDP PaderJay 0 0 694
37 JayEllDrei 0 0 685
31 AD1NG 0 0 567
29 AND0Y 0 0 567
22 Father Jay 0 0 443
10 suichiro 0 0 373
22 fatima 0 0 372
8 ultra killer 0 0 304
11 JEANMARIE 0 0 273
Event Time

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