
Looking for ACTIVE members we always war whether it's CWL, Weekend Raid or Clan Games. We Max Clan Games and Co leader is given by donating while elder is given when joining

War freq.:
L Name D R T
209 Lil DEE Bo E 340 0 4686
199 thoufiq E 0 0 4683
144 HAKUNAMATATA E 33 231 4651
221 Booze E 507 602 4643
233 Galenus L 812 0 4581
206 nadi E 0 0 4167
239 HIMANSH SONI E 412 567 4084
205 Blackbeard69 E 0 0 4060
217 shahan king C 0 0 4018
186 SAMRAT KING E 0 0 4006
147 Gokr2 E 0 109 3996
211 s.somlove C 0 219 3972
227 von Nehring E 354 634 3965
223 HIESENBERG C 768 532 3905
188 Luuvuu C 907 0 3879
215 juan darce E 0 0 3598
235 bigtl E 33 212 3568
227 satan spawn C 0 0 3539
225 green soldier E 0 0 3499
201 killerking C 190 0 3477
225 warrior E 0 0 3403
227 scorpions E 0 0 3358
145 Checco_IL_Polpo E 78 169 3254
219 dre E 216 48 3234
129 Defeater814 E 200 371 3199
182 G.O.A.T E 0 47 3151
207 george E 0 93 3113
130 draconic6655 YT E 0 0 2977
154 TheNeonBlade E 0 154 2800
132 frankie E 0 0 2756
155 bhanu pratap E 0 154 2754
157 Aaron 2 E 73 154 2731
163 ÄLÎ..C.H E 0 0 2718
197 Robinson E 36 0 2696
178 BraveHeart E 0 246 2675
138 Aaron ^_^ E 155 141 2666
154 You E 0 0 2663
171 صادق E 0 0 2634
184 Syed Areeb E 0 0 2619
123 deeznutz E 0 72 2474
131 ©RASST 0 90 2427
178 ddd C 0 0 2334
137 TheSwagBlobfish C 0 0 2221
139 Bas de pro E 0 0 2029
90 Neon C 2 0 1413
Event Time

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