4 Brothers

We like to joke around and have fun! We war twice a week. All we ask is that you donate,attack in war,be active and have fun! If your inactive for 15 days or dont have minimum 300 donations/request, you'll be kicked. Est 8/2/16

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
209 Bill 0 53 4893
267 bv C 125 36 4825
241 AlJ-1 L 153 0 4731
166 D)(NNY 122 0 4644
169 Ski Mask 0 78 4602
209 WMB10 0 50 4593
140 gbreezy 0 0 4372
211 Lightningclaw C 2 0 4348
207 Mr. X 0 0 4263
213 zachseaman C 197 0 4065
161 #Buchar 0 0 4059
184 MR.100% 57 0 3814
156 #Hari 0 0 3760
184 Soupy The Fetus E 0 0 3748
157 AYUSH 30 0 3736
190 ███████████████ 0 55 3583
186 SABKAS 0 0 3580
208 mikeyman816 E 0 0 3435
153 69=panda 0 0 3389
169 Strater_Z 0 0 3366
177 HAMZII...✨ 0 0 3331
146 IMXKUWAR 0 0 3221
148 Akash Porey 0 0 3049
140 Dastroyar 0 0 3041
142 Bossman 0 0 3034
200 Baba Yaga 0 77 3019
144 Slatt Mahir 0 84 3018
152 VG 0 0 3006
168 Elysium 13 276 2985
163 Mefix 0 0 2984
138 lils 55 0 2942
179 D-Bunnz C 0 0 2844
169 CC3 0 0 2826
183 Ben 0 0 2780
173 MightyTea 0 0 2779
107 Elena Asahi 0 0 2779
197 Maddenhawk 0 0 2743
158 aymskerd 0 45 2668
172 kriztean 0 0 2654
155 HItMan o07 0 0 2601
135 BobDaDestroyer 0 0 2564
143 foxxy E 0 0 2545
148 BrothaEli- 0 0 2318
147 Elisa C 0 0 2298
148 wyatt 0 0 2263
172 Chris 0 0 1928
Event Time

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