established 10/15/2018 Philipines Outstanding Gamer & Intergrated aka D' Pogi " Member of Philippines🇵🇭Clascher Battle⚔️Ground " - Team Blue Dragon -" 👍🏻 " No Retreat and No Surrender " Good Luck to Everyone '👍🏻

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
262 (PH) Andrew C 4768 3434 5536
195 marvz E 232 0 5179
205 D' KÅPÏTÅN PÖGÏ C 1166 2011 5146
216 ÅLŸÅ$ PÖGÏ ™️ C 591 630 5122
219 ÅNÅK NG TËTËNG C 3131 1052 5110
243 D' THÖN PÖGÏ ®️ C 407 696 5093
211 BÖ$$ JR PÖGÏ ®️ C 285 1184 5079
181 m® yøs©™ E 261 603 5007
216 SE×Y LovE C 3955 2198 4899
238 ☆Dragon Rider☆ C 60 0 4848
169 Monkey D. Luffy C 790 669 4834
224 sir phogz E 0 0 4817
257 MÅÏ$ÖN PÖGÏ ®️ C 292 528 4795
186 TheDestroyer ♥️ C 0 1070 4724
234 MARJORIE C 40 317 4299
198 jorezza E 0 461 4076
155 argel.the.great E 0 0 4066
249 batista C 544 581 3878
147 DAMULAG@12 46 0 3841
176 KE▫️SÜPËRMÄN_97 E 0 0 3719
198 ⭐JER05.com⭐ E 34 0 3576
225 NaPieBoy E 0 0 3351
185 EARTHSHAKER E 0 0 3280
127 Ryeko PANGS E 30 0 3001
231 maximo E 0 0 2957
129 j4-king E 0 0 2868
169 19EPSILONIAN66 E 0 267 2798
121 *_JaDinE_*05 E 65 244 2659
180 ironsight E 11 0 2644
160 King of kings E 0 47 2588
125 TheDestroyer Jr E 0 154 2563
206 Sapphire* E 0 0 2307
111 TheDestroyer'E' E 0 0 2162
206 Athena❤️ E 0 0 2140
207 KE • TyphooN E 0 0 1999
124 ✨JER05.com✨ C 0 71 1959
141 Aleah03 C 0 154 1942
112 ⚡KIZUYA⚡ E 0 35 1892
101 Pudge02 E 0 0 1818
94 bubuaq E 0 166 1809
104 Xander♥️Agnes E 74 72 1797
130 coconut, E 123 0 1642
80 Mr.Ben E 3 0 1173
56 Boy tapang. 0 0 882
65 EpsiLoniaN❣️¹¹ E 0 0 845
68 ★★¹ LuFFY ⁴★★ E 0 0 835
26 Strawhat Nami C 30 0 532
15 JÖŸ Ð BÖŸ C 0 0 259
15 BÖ$$ NÏÖR PÖĞÏ C 0 0 246
14 KÄPÏTÄN Ð' PÖĞÏ L 0 0 220
Event Time

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