The Primes

🔥Welcome to the Primes🔥 Stay active🔥keep war button updated “Red or Green”🔥 be ready for war at all times if button is “Green”🔥keep an eye out for war Signups🔥SisterClan ran by DaddyKong 4 low lvl accounts🔥haveFun,BeFair&Keep it PRIME!!!

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
218 brumbeetz E 64 541 4954
241 Dylan C 471 279 4894
161 termanation.2 E 279 522 4759
257 thePRIMEwizard L 330 88 4700
248 Stuart B Prime C 180 0 4353
259 Hermulous Prime C 35 0 4223
199 termanitor 474 279 4039
232 H8uSxPrime 137 0 3914
234 InDoMiNuS PrImE C 0 65 3896
169 PANEL USER TOM E 124 494 3740
198 Acefurball E 0 0 3567
228 Paula E 0 0 3527
238 Daddy Kong!!! C 77 0 3470
152 chekuthan E 0 0 3445
201 dan E 226 0 3310
117 Sudip 0 457 3289
243 SuperPrime E 0 0 3262
206 SPOODERMAN E 0 0 3183
170 Prime E 0 0 3130
210 Adam E 0 0 3072
151 biancake 0 0 2941
208 thePRIMEki11joy C 0 0 2913
175 Greed 0 0 2895
169 akli 0 0 2774
153 nak 0 0 2708
206 LOOSER E 166 0 2689
159 Momma Kong!!! C 0 0 2618
185 DäZzLëR E 0 0 2615
240 Mr. Belinfontie 0 0 2577
138 kz3n 0 0 2553
211 QuiNtus PriME E 0 0 2539
199 Bodin 0 0 2440
218 Aaron E 166 113 2422
194 thePRIMEwiz@rd C 70 0 2387
197 Scooby-Doo E 0 0 2377
183 bradles8 0 0 2375
149 thePRIMEwiz4rd E 69 30 2161
143 dankenstein E 0 0 2151
167 thePRIMEwiz0p C 0 0 2124
118 Prime E 0 0 2095
145 blackwolf 0 0 2091
118 Drake 0 0 2005
100 lil slav 0 0 1993
121 IP MAN PRIME E 0 0 1642
102 Dexter⛏Morgan E 0 0 1618
83 Rodimus Prime 0 0 1469
124 Dýľâń E 0 0 1465
138 Zach D 0 0 1423
113 ⚡️THOR⚒PR|ME⚡️ E 0 0 1355
105 Greninja☠️Prime E 0 0 1315
Event Time

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