
👑 Taht Bizim İçin Sadece Başlangıç, Zaferimiz Kaçınılmazdır: TURKings! 👑 🏆 Elite Trophy Clan ⚔️ Elite War Clan

War freq.:
L Name D R T
286 DOST⚡️Coğrafya E 0 83 5475
244 KING⚔️Viper E 30 631 5453
283 LUCIFER E 2514 2327 5432
243 KING⚔️YAVUZBEY E 133 0 5417
276 KING⚔Hamdi Bey E 172 658 5415
262 KING⚔Umut E 0 0 5410
257 fatihhan E 415 1102 5408
246 CK E 112 83 5401
267 KING⚔Hamdi C 292 745 5393
233 KING⚔️DELİKURT E 904 2520 5393
257 ⚡️⚡️AyazBey⚡️⚡️ C 125 660 5387
257 KING⚔️OnurDemiR E 724 53 5381
253 KING⚔Sedat Bey E 0 0 5372
262 《《By<fatih>61》》 E 1700 1183 5367
255 KING⚔️BaBa Voss E 53 106 5363
237 A L P A G U T E 137 660 5362
286 KING⚔️Anıl Bey E 0 0 5356
267 KING⚔️GAİJİNN E 0 0 5356
237 Troy E 2144 1801 5344
254 ✦PALA〰️HAKAN✦ E 6 0 5343
262 ☆PALA〰️HAKAN☆ E 40 392 5341
242 Deniz27 E 1649 1360 5330
281 KING⚔️HANIM AĞA C 848 1319 5327
266 KING⚔️AhmetBey2 E 580 664 5327
257 ANIL E 4914 2325 5321
256 HaKaN E 1271 1863 5317
255 TURKEY♦️◻Yasin E 30 574 5315
248 KİNG⚔️APO⚔️ C 4640 2667 5310
248 ✨✨BİR⭕L✨✨ E 34 415 5309
241 KING⚔️Cyborg E 137 83 5302
235 KING⚔️OnuR BeY C 2618 2104 5294
269 = AKINCI 68 = E 1555 1688 5281
207 TheViper II L 261 413 5259
259 İBRAHİM E 0 223 5249
262 BAR10 E 74 1390 5248
251 OSMANLI☆TORUNU E 318 2517 5247
234 KING⚔️SÜLEYMAN E 356 1932 5242
257 Pikachu✨ E 1646 2211 5230
234 KING⚔Umut E 591 1890 5219
265 yusuf01 E 2434 1351 5198
262 KUBİLAY KANAK66 E 1143 1413 5173
109 deniz2 108 0 1793
Event Time

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